In Jesus Name...

"A woman's 24 year-old-son was crossing the street on a crosswalk in New York City when he was struck by a cab on the leg and thrown onto the hood of the car before landing on the street. Miraculously, he was totally fine after the accident! He did not have a single broken bone, bruise, or even a scratch."

"[She] recalled that just a few days before the accident, [they] were having a wonderful time celebrating Thanksgiving. Suddenly, [she] saw in [her] mind an image of [her] son on a slab and dead in a morgue. [She] immediately dismissed that image, proclaimed that [her] son would live and not die, and pleaded the blood of Jesus over him."

"[She] didn't tell anyone what [she'd] seen, but just thanked God for His protection for [her] son and all of [her] family members in Jesus' name. The morning of [her] son's accident, [she] also felt led to pray God's protection over [her] children from car accidents - not something that [she] usually do."

"At the time [she] learned about [her] son's accident. [She] was just listening to Joseph Prince's message on Psalm 91. [She] used to pray it over [her] family all the time, but over the years, [she] had forgotten about this powerful psalm. [She] was thankful to Joseph Prince for reminding [her] of the power of Psalm 91. When we pray the Word of God over our children or any situation, we release His angles to work on our behalf."
Testimony from Joseph Prince Daily Devotional
January 11, 2019



The number of people who joined the movement this month!

1 %

The percentage of people who have joined the movement!

Frequently Asked Questions

Most frequent questions and answers
  1. Profess the Love & Truth of Jesus Christ daily by praying, meditating, and serving others IN HIS NAME!
  2. Proclaim the power of salvation, healing, and peace IN HIS NAME!
  3. Promote and share your experiences by creating a praise report, OR simply joing the movement, sharing through social media, and using the hashtag #njesusname!

Copy the blog’s URL and share with family and friends via social media. Or, you can send via email. Remember to use the hashtag #njesusname

One million! One year! One purpose!

For 2019, we want millions of people around the world to proclaim their love for Jesus! We want each of you to profess the Truth of Jesus Christ daily through prayer, meditation, service, and outreach.

  • More than 300 billion people have yet to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ!

  • We are losing a generation to atheism and universalism like never before!

  • We want to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to millions of people through our miraculous experiences!

Please send questions and comments to

One million! One year! One purpose!